Take Charge

Improving Productivity

Improving Productivity

It is common to feel unsatisfied when a work day ends, due to non-completion of work. It is difficult to stay productive and feel satisfied at the end of each work day. Productivity helps you add hours to your work schedule and here are some ways to increase your productivity:

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What Good Does Fear Do?

What Good Does Fear Do?

This particular post has been taken from Take Charge, Building an Entrepreneur Mindset by Gaurav Marya. And it has been written from the perspective of an entrepreneur.

Fear is a basic emotion; it remains with all of us. All of us face the same fears whether we have two lakh, two crore or two hundred crore rupees. We are afraid of losing status, reputation, market share, people, opportunity….

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What is Customer Equity.

What is Customer Equity.

The following extract is from Gaurav Marya’s latest book, ‘It Takes Two To Tango’, published by Entrepreneur India. It is in spirit of sharing his thoughts that he has authored two bestselling titles on subjects dear to his heart and central to his business: Take Charge! Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset and Franchising: The Science of Reproducing Success. This is from his third bestselling book, It Takes Two To Tango. Read on:

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Problems Exist and They Have to be Tacked - II

Problems Exist and They Have to be Tacked - II

In the last post we discussed the ever-important need to evolve ways in which the retail investor, the micro customer and the small entrepreneur feel more empowered to design useful, profitable and desirable initiatives.

Let’s see what happens when individuals take charge.

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The Emergence of the Abundant Economy.

The Emergence of the Abundant Economy.

In continuation to the previous post on the current scenario, the era of abundant choice. . .

As students of school-level economics will testify, we have always accepted as a given that the “resources are scarce and needs are unlimited.” We are, today, witnessing the emergence of abundance.

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In Gaurav Marya’s, author of Franchising and Take Charge, third book, “It Takes Two To Tango”, which builds a case for how we have emerged into a customer dominated, shape-shifting world, there’s a mention of Karl Fisch’s “Shift Happens” video that sets up the premise behind the changing world demographics and the technological shift. Let’s read what it is all about:

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