The Virtue of Punctuality
The psychology of non-punctual beings in our kind is that for them punctuality is never a priority. Managing time and being punctual are two intricately related virtues. You can only arrive on time for appointments and commitments if you manage your time well. In other words, punctuality is mastering the skill of time management. Punctuality as a trait not only displays respect for the other person’s time but also speaks volumes about your character. The people who do not endorse it as a habit, the latecomers, show a lack of commitment to success at their work.
From Today Let’s Get Efficient
Efficiency is not achieved by just working hard, you also have to work smart. Spending extra hours at work to complete the tasks assigned, is not a sign of efficiency. You have to squeeze more out of every hour and maximise your productivity. Working smart and hard means knowing how you can set and achieve stretch targets within the workday. When you are efficient, you feel more content and satisfied. Four ways to be more efficient at work are:
Quit Procrastination
You have sat down, had your tea, exchanged greetings, checked your e-mails. . .but you still haven’t started your work. At some point of time, we all have stood guilty of delaying, avoiding or putting off doing something that we must do. It’s called procrastination. Quit procrastination and manage your work better. Say “Now” instead of “Later,” say “Today” instead of “Tomorrow.”
Don’t simply put off what you could easily be doing today. Here’s how: