It Takes Two To Tango
What is Customer Equity?
The following extract is from Gaurav Marya’s latest book, ‘It Takes Two To Tango’, published by Entrepreneur India. It is in spirit of sharing his thoughts that he has authored two bestselling titles on subjects dear to his heart and central to his business: Take Charge! Building an Entrepreneurial Mindset and Franchising: The Science of Reproducing Success. This is from his third bestselling book, It Takes Two To Tango. Read on:
Problems Exist and They Have to be Tackled – III
Problems Exist and They Have to be Tackled – II
Problems Exist and They Have to be Tackled – I
Here we are, in continuation of the previous post, on ways to tackle the problems faced by the country due to the abundant nature of the Indian economy, as explained in the previous two posts. The excerpt is from It Takes Two To Tango, written by serial entrepreneur, Gaurav Marya. We have divided the subject in three parts. This is the first of the three-part article.
The Era of Abundant Choice
It Takes Two To Tango, an Entrepreneur India publication, written by serial entrepreneur Gaurav Marya talks on building vibrant relationships in the complex market of today by understanding what he actually needs. The following excerpt is reproduced from the same book.
The consumers of luxury items always had choice. We have all heard stories of how the rulers of princely states would import the best and finest from Europe. To a significant degree the luxury brands have entered the Indian market, but choice has emerged in dramatic abundance at the mid-level and to a much lesser degree at the base level also.
Shift Happens
In Gaurav Marya’s, author of Franchising and Take Charge, third book, “It Takes Two To Tango”, which builds a case for how we have emerged into a customer dominated, shape-shifting world, there’s a mention of Karl Fisch’s “Shift Happens” video that sets up the premise behind the changing world demographics and the technological shift. Let’s read what it is all about: