
Quit Doubt> move Forward with Confidence!

Quit Doubt.

Self-confidence comes when you conquer doubt. When we know we are right, even when others criticise us, and we listen to our self, we are demonstrating confidence. Let us explain the steps that build confidence:

Insecurities, What’re Those?: There are incidents which have made you feel inferior and insecure, and have bogged you down to the level of no return. It could be anything, right from a past sour experience to getting bullied, to feeling physically inferior to someone, to feeling not-so-worthy – the first thing you should do is to identify what these are and become aware of their existence in your life. Half the battle is won if you are simply aware of them.

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Quit Your Job.

Quit Your Job.

The start of the year is the time when you should look back and contemplate about what lies ahead. Everyone feels bored of monotonous work, to carry out the same set of activities at work robot-like. And then the deadly Monday stories. It strikes back after every six days, and the story continues. Suddenly, Monday seems to be a rut we cannot get out of, and the cycle continues from one Monday to another. Sitting in our offices, we have all logged on to sites such as or Linked In to weigh other options as well.

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