Write with Us! Write with Quitters!
We are thrilled to invite you to consider writing for Quitters.in/blog.
If you have a good article theme, kindly write in to us at abbey.franchiseindia@gmail.com with your article title in the subject line and attach links to your previously published articles, if any.
Some Guidelines to Follow:
- Write original content
- Less is more: provide loads of information in as few words as possible (minimum 250 words)
- Go through Quitters.in/blog: to see if we have covered the topic you are writing on already
- Keep it meaningful, tight and interesting
- Use catchy titles and headlines/sub-heads, etc
- Suggest important and simple keywords
You could write on any topic as long as it makes for an interesting read. For example: inspirational and motivational stories of people who have made it big, difficulties they might have faced (clichéd? Add an interesting angle to it!), your own story if it can inspire people, office-related topics, on entrepreneurs, social networking, and encouraging, everyday, socially-relevant posts.)
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