press release
Franchise India to make way for Fresh Graduates

Franchise India to make way for Fresh Graduates.
The proverbial story of graduates in India is all too familiar. The average age at which students graduate in India is 21, and soon after, in fact when in final year/semester in college, are expected to answer a plethora of dated questions by family and peers alike: “So now that the studies are over, which company are you applying to?”, “Your dream job?”, “How soon are you starting with your job?”, “Is it a reputed, well-known company?”, “How much are they paying?” So on and so forth. The trails of questions seem never-ending and repetitive. Succumbing to join a big corporate or giving in to the temptation of shepherding across their father’s business to the altar, the options to choose from after one has “completed” their education are far from many. However, many examples shed light on the third category, too, that of graduates who go for starting their own business and becoming entrepreneurs.