Positive Attitude
How to Bounce Back from Failure

How to Bounce Back from Failure.
What does the phrase “Bounce back” mean? I remember one of my friends reiterating the fact how he was a good bike rider, every time we came close to a “near miss” experience with other vehicles on the road. The incident happened recently and his explanation came as a response to my evident fear and subsequent request to “be on the safer side of the road”. He didn’t like hearing that, much as the Gen Y lot of entrepreneurs who take pride in having made peace with their failures. As I was still reeling off the near miss incident on the road, my biker friend explained to me his version of looking at incidents such as these: “You must compare this journey with the journey of life. We come into this world, learn the ropes, come face-to-face with hiccups and learn to bounce back to focus ‘on the road ahead’. Have the right attitude, learn from mistakes and move on.” I was dumbfounded at the analogy drawn and thanked my friend for the explanation that hit the bull’s eye, aside from giving me food for thought for my current article.
Responsibility and Accountability at Workplace

Responsibility and Accountability at Workplace.
The First Day
On the first day of your job you are told by your reporting manager of your duties and responsibilities. You take the first few hours understanding your role in the organisation and whether or not it is in line with the job description you had read. Very soon would follow your line manager’s instructions to ensure that the assigned work is delivered when due, hinting that the organisation discourages delays. This, in no particular order, sums up the first few hours of your first day at a new job.