When you are managing your time effectively, not only are you being fair to yourself and others but are also helping strike the right balance between your professional and personal space. You should start by planning your day and scheduling and prioritising your tasks. Let us get you tips on time management before you say, “If only I had more time.”
First Schedule the Good Things: Divide your time into three parts. First, schedule the good things. Then schedule the things that need to be done to do the good things. Finally, schedule the things that are essential to your well being.
Anger is a natural emotion. Everyone gets angry on occasion but the need of the hour is to manage anger. Anger can take many forms including irritation, self-botheration, explosion-like and avoidance. Rage controls you, which is why they say that you have lost your temper. When anger gets uncontrolled, it becomes rage. Busy lifestyles, tight deadlines at work, familial and peer pressure to outperform competitors, the rush to become a success and lack of patience are some of the many subtle reasons causing stress, anxiety and depression, ultimately leading to rage.
The start of the year is the time when you should look back and contemplate about what lies ahead. Everyone feels bored of monotonous work, to carry out the same set of activities at work robot-like. And then the deadly Monday stories. It strikes back after every six days, and the story continues. Suddenly, Monday seems to be a rut we cannot get out of, and the cycle continues from one Monday to another. Sitting in our offices, we have all logged on to sites such as naukri.com or Linked In to weigh other options as well.