Accepting Criticism Like A Champion.
Feedback is necessary, more so when you are working on an all-important project at work. When you work hard on a great project, you expect a pat on the back by your boss. It could also happen that the great project didn’t turn out the way your boss wanted and instead of bouquets and claps you stand at the receiving end of brickbats or severe criticism. When that happens, you tend to abandon all hope and find it difficult to cope up with the situation. The first step, then, invariably, is to be defensive, then to offer your point of view, some clarification to go with it or completely lash out at the person.
You could be made to take two kinds of criticisms, destructive and constructive. Before irrationally refuting all the feedback, give it a moment’s thought to know what kind of criticism is being meted out to you. Accept your fallibility instead of expecting instant recognition. Take the constructive and simply ignore the destructive. Constructive criticism will represent an opportunity to make improvements and make amends. Tell your mind that you cannot learn anything new without committing mistakes. Accept it for better and know what you should improve on. Many a time, you witness yourself taking criticism with a pinch of salt, almost as a personal attack, or as a deliberate effort by your boss (or a senior at work) to not appreciate your hard work. It is not an easy task, to take an honest look at yourself and your weaknesses, but when you take it without any offence and politely thank the person for their time and effort, it is sure to instil humility in you.
If you allowed, any sort of feedback can tear you apart. Being at the receiving end is not easy to begin with, because more often than not you would find yourself attached to your work/project and any criticism will be hard to take. Start by simply being receptive and open-minded while listening to the other person. After listening to him/her carefully, try the tactic of putting his/her words into your own, like, “Ahh. . .that is what you are trying to say. . .” You need to be on the same page and understand the nature of criticism/feedback. You would come to learn that there may be two reasons why a person is criticising you: first, out of a serious concern to help you improve in your work; and second, out of intimidation or insecurity that you are actually taking steps to improve yourself. Once you are able to distinguish the nature of criticism meted out to you – it shall come with experience and out of controlling the urge to reply in defence immediately – you’d be a better judge on how to look at it.
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