A Professional Worker: To Be or Not To Be

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To Be or Not To Be.

Being professional is one of the most important things about our job lives. It is important to be a professional if you want to be a success and have a purpose of making your job a lifelong career. A professional individual will not only display excellence and ethical standards in his way of working and thinking, which will help the industry (or business) in which he has taken employment, but will also not fret at the thought of helping his co-workers when he’s overburdened. One also gets taken seriously by their boss in that they can be relied upon for any given work. Being an unreliable source is the top-most career-limiting habit.

In addition, the word professionalism might not be perceived in the same way by one and all. While some might think dressing smartly or doing a good job is professional enough, some others might feel professionalism means how you conduct yourself at work. Some people also weigh their qualifications and degrees as a prerequisite to becoming professional. The word professionalism covers all the above definitions but it is a lot more. Let us now see how you can exhibit professionalism at work.

The Dress Code: Not only should you consider the dress code of the workspace, but also things like arriving on time for appointments, grooming oneself, using an appropriate signature on the e-mail ID, respecting others and being polite, building competence et al can come in handy in making your employers think of you as a reliable team member. Never subdue your skills and knowledge, keep learning until you are perfect in your work.

Jot Down your Priorities: Simply put, you will get taken seriously if you prioritise your work and finish the most important assignments in time. Jot down everything that you are required to do for the day, and follow the written word. Stay committed and focused to your tasks and the time allotted to complete these. Professionals seldom wait for tomorrow to complete their previous day’s tasks.

Work on the Relationships: Every professional tries to keep everyone around his office space – employer, co-worker, colleague, client, acquaintance – happy. It is not to suggest that one should maintain very close relations with them. Just be good to them but maintain the required distance.

Enjoy What You Do: Do not sit over petty issues. Be systematic, enjoy your work and be comfortable. You should be very comfortable with your seating arrangement or the corner (cabin) you have been made to sit in. Ask your employer to change your seating if sitting there is distracting you and affecting your work. Follow time and keep your break-, leisure-time in check.

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