Title: What to Say and When to Shut Up
Author: Rakesh Godhwani
Pages: 240
Price: Rs. 299
Published by: Random House India
So you are a student or an entrepreneur wanting to become a persuasive communicator, a quality which, among other things, is the key to a successful business/personal relationship? What to Say and When to Shut Up is a rather fancy title of Rakesh Godhwani’s highly researched book, offering invaluable advice to become compelling to others with your language. Not only does it make your work simpler by offering advice in easy-to-remember and comprehensive pointers, it also makes you test your skill-set improve by way of exercises at the end of every chapter.
Although a quick browse through the book’s contents doesn’t make it any interesting than countless books on communication, but five minutes into the book and you know you are investing your time wisely. It covers topics such as motivating audiences to action, nailing the interview for your dream job, making impressive business presentations, pitching to investors to raise money, selling product to a client, negotiating a win-win, networking professionally and socially, resolving conflicts, etc. It is a must have for corporate, students, entrepreneurs and anybody who is wanting to make a permanent impression on their audience.
“Ability to communicate well not only resolves conflicts but also makes life much pleasurable.” Rakesh Godhwani, Author
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