A blue mood can hit anyone. But do not indulge in it. Quit sorrow and regret. What is it that did not go well? Did you have an argument with your loved one? Have you woken up with the feeling that life is passing you by? Was there a big opportunity you missed? All this will pass. Here are some instant tips that can cheer you up and get you going for the rest of the day:
Listen to Dance Music: Search for your music player, plug the earphones and turn up the volume. Yes! Turn on the music and fight off the blues! Do you know that music can help you calm your anxious nerves as well, aside from making you dance to that jazzy number you remember stage-rocking on during your college farewell week.
Turn-off Your Mood Swings by Taking a Walk Outside: Remaining outdoors, even for a little while, can direct your mind from that which is disturbing you. A simple glance at nature’s wonders such as trees, birds, kids, etc., can make you feel positive and ready you for the challenge that lay ahead of you.
Meditation: Though yoga and meditation would not affect your happiness-quotient immediately, but if done religiously, these techniques can really put you in a lot calmer zone than you are right now. Yoga and meditation are often termed as art-of-living forms, which can influence your life and benefit you both physically and mentally. These are techniques one uses to be aware of their breaths and thoughts, so to gain control over his/her decision-making and fickle thought-process.
Decide for Today and For Ever, to Smile and Be Happy: There’s enough research on how smiling can help reduce stress hormones that can have a negative effect on your health. As well, it is not as difficult to smile as it is made out to be, just by pursing the corners of your lips, crinkling your eyes and raising your cheeks, you can sport a beautiful smile.
The most important determinant of happiness, however, would be your health. So try these proven tricks and work toward keeping as fit as a fiddle.
Quit Sorrow and Regret! Be Happy Now!
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