Changing Jobs Made Easier.
Most office-goers have the same issue with their job today – they don’t enjoy it as much as they would have liked. They would often complain that it’s only a myth that anyone can enjoy his/her job and still get paid for it. It could be you, a friend or anyone from your family. But three out of five people today dread going to office and spending eight hours every day. Ever wondered why people can’t hit a common ground with their jobs? The answer lies in the difference between a job and a career, or the perceive difference between these terms.
You will see yourself taking up a job just because you want to work, not because you are passionate about a certain activity, your talent or just something you love to do. It’s the simple fear of developing that talent or hobby into a full-time job, which if done passionately can fetch you financial returns. The fear can be because of a lot of reasons: family and peer pressure of proving yourself fast, the time it takes to cultivate a habit and so on. You have to do the unconventional and find a job that you want to do, and not which others want you to take up. And assuming all our readers are working somewhere or the other, let’s take about the transition period and how you should prepare yourself before shifting jobs.
Think About What Kind of Job You’d Love Doing: As we already mentioned, a lot of things which you love doing wouldn’t pay you as much as the “financially-rewarding” jobs you might be into, but if you are, like, really “good” at what you love to do, you can make good money and love doing it as well. Once decided, stay at your current workplace while starting to search for other options.
Start Writing: Start documenting your aspirations and work thoughts into a journal or a diary. Write everything, right from your thought, leads, numbers, research, etc, and be honest about your approach when job-hunting.
Apply and Network: Start by searching and applying for jobs online. Strike conversations with prospective bosses and tell them about yourself and your interests. Start networking and once determined that that’s the company you’d like to work for, try to know as much about the company and its people as possible.
No False Notes, Really: While leaving the current company for the new job, do not publicly criticise the former or its employees. Write a nice e-mail to everyone, thanking or recollecting your experiences during your tenure. Keep it simple and short. Stay in the office till the last day, working, and not letting the bosses feel that you are not fully present.
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