The Era of Abundant Choice

The Emergence of the Abundant Economy.

The Emergence of the Abundant Economy.

In continuation to the previous post on the current scenario, the era of abundant choice. . .

As students of school-level economics will testify, we have always accepted as a given that the “resources are scarce and needs are unlimited.” We are, today, witnessing the emergence of abundance.

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The Era of Abundant Choice.

The Era of Abundant Choice.

It Takes Two To Tango, an Entrepreneur India publication, written by serial entrepreneur Gaurav Marya talks on building vibrant relationships in the complex market of today by understanding what he actually needs. The following excerpt is reproduced from the same book.

The consumers of luxury items always had choice. We have all heard stories of how the rulers of princely states would import the best and finest from Europe. To a significant degree the luxury brands have entered the Indian market, but choice has emerged in dramatic abundance at the mid-level and to a much lesser degree at the base level also.

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