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Improving Productivity

Improving Productivity

It is common to feel unsatisfied when a work day ends, due to non-completion of work. It is difficult to stay productive and feel satisfied at the end of each work day. Productivity helps you add hours to your work schedule and here are some ways to increase your productivity:

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Confident By Choice.

Confident By Choice.

You must have read a zillion articles by now on how you should feel confident about yourself. Dalai Lama once said, “With realisation of one’s own potential and self confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” We have a lot to learn from that quote. The lack of self confidence can hold you back from pursuing your dreams, as much as it can stop you from becoming successful in your endeavours. Confidence is an important life skill that needs to be developed. Confidence is neither arrogance nor being cocky. It is when a person has accepted himself/herself as he/she is, without trying to change anyone’s perception about them and without feeling any superior or inferior to anyone around them.

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Curb Mindless Spending.

Curb Mindless Spending.

How you can keep from mindless spending in this age of plastic cards is a matter that needs addressing. We had written a post on how to not waste money when we came up with the idea of this blog, and on the request of our dear readers who wanted to read more on the subject, here we are blogging about it! Read both the posts in continuation to derive meaning.

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