The Science of Reproducing Success
Tips for the New Franchisee

Tips for the New Franchisee.
Gaurav Marya’s first book, which is currently available in its fifth re-print edition, The Science of Reproducing Success, talks about how franchising has emerged in India as a growth industry with great potential. It further tells us how franchising provides the last-mile connect in the world’s largest consumption market. Written below are parts taken out from the best-seller book’s preface and inside chapters.
A Word on Franchising

A Word on Franchising.
Gaurav Marya’s first book, which is currently available in its fifth re-print edition, The Science of Reproducing Success, talks about how franchising has emerged in India as a growth industry with great potential. It further tells us how franchising provides the last-mile connect in the world’s largest consumption market. Written below are parts taken out from the best-seller book’s preface and inside chapters.