Responsibility and Accountability at Workplace.
The First Day
On the first day of your job you are told by your reporting manager of your duties and responsibilities. You take the first few hours understanding your role in the organisation and whether or not it is in line with the job description you had read. Very soon would follow your line manager’s instructions to ensure that the assigned work is delivered when due, hinting that the organisation discourages delays. This, in no particular order, sums up the first few hours of your first day at a new job.
Expectation Setting
These setting up of expectations with the employees are met with two kinds of responses; either you are responsible or you are not. The first category would consist of individuals doing everything in their might to complete a certain task without any delay. These are the ones who usually end up taking the blame for their mistakes. The second category would have people who would try to blame someone else for the duties and responsibilities given to them. These are the people who wouldn’t take completion of a certain task as important, which also reflects a lot on their character. Instead of taking pride in their work and displaying a positive work ethic, they display lack of willingness to ascertain assigned duties. On the other hand, the responsible ones would walk the extra mile, take the blame if the task isn’t completed in time, have an unshakable work ethic and take complete responsibility of the tasks given.
The Difference Shows and Affects the Work
There seems to be a lot of difference in the character of the two individuals explained above. But surprisingly, the only marked difference in the two is ownership (or the lack of it). The ones taking personal pride in completion of tasks know that they are required to spearhead the implementation of a task and that they are required to take decisions at their discretion, while the rest are oblivious to accepting the liability for failed results. In addition, it is important to note that while responsibility can be given to you by your bosses, it is the accountability that has to be taken. Some of the very basic elements of being responsible at workplace are: arriving early, completing the assigned tasks in time, helping and getting along with your colleagues, displaying a positive mental attitude and a yearning to work, following the rules laid out by the organisation and discouraging any kind of gossip.
Responsibility and Accountability are Important Work Traits
Being responsible wouldn’t only ensure timely delivery of tasks and completion of work duties, but also make you more reliable and respected, help you increase your self-worth and self-esteem, ultimately leading you toward promotion. Remember that responsibility and accountability go hand in hand. Don’t show responsibility only for the tasks that are done nicely, but also for the ones that have not been executed properly. Take accountability for its failure, improve upon it by learning from past mistakes and strive to make it reach the finish line the second time.
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