Mr. Venu G Somineni
Chairman & CEO, MyDeals247*

Venu is very famous for his international best-selling self-help, One Book for Life Success - sold over 5 million copies worldwide - endorsed by Dr Abdul Kalam Ji, Bill Gates Sr, Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy. Venu is a serial entrepreneur in the technology industry. He is the Chairman of MyDeals247, CarStudio and noQ. He advises countless number of businesses across the world. Venu's strength lies in innovation and bringing the best out of individuals/businesses. Venu is the leading expert in creating peak performance for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales & marketing professionals, corporate employees, trainers, educators, and students. Venu is a USA citizen and lives in San Francisco, California.

Popularly known as "Inspirational Guru in the Modern Times," Venu has a deep understanding of what makes successful people different - what motivates them, what drives them, and what inspires them. He inspired over 3 million people in more than 60 countries - sharing his success strategies with the businesses, reputed business schools and professional associations.

Venu is the frequent speaker at Fortune 500 companies including Google, Intel, Accenture and more. He customizes the inspirational sessions based on the client's requirements. Venu's style of conducting sessions are world-class, very interactive, and totally unique in its own way.

Some of the topics (partial list):
● Personal Development
● Sales Coaching
● Business Training
● Time Management
● Leadership
● Stellar Marketing Techniques
● Conflict Resolution
● Instant Motivational Techniques
● Achieve peak performance
● Launch new Products & Programs and more

INSTANT Information


Distributorship, franchise
& Licen sing opportunities
with over 300 Brands


2 Day International
workshop on franchising
your business
2 Day workshop on Growing
a retail store into a chain


2 Day forum on starting,
selecting, managing &
growing a business
2 Day platform on
know-how of Brand


10th India's Topmost
awards in Franchising.
7th Awards for excellence
in Indian Retailing

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For Exhibition

Call Shalini 08588804788 or email Call Amit Gautam 07290037184 or email

For Awards Entries

Call Navneet 8595350538 or email Call Akshat 09116111261 or email

For Visitor Registration

Call Amit 09311148342 or email Call Vaishali 07291997502 or email Call Deepak 07290093412 or email

For Startup Summit and Franchise Management Workshop

Call Shubham 08595350505 or email

Moms who want to do more require a path that travels between the pressure hours of a start-up, where everything rests on them, and the long hours of a job, where the boss calls the shots. For most mothers who do not enjoy being in the ownership position of a mature enterprise, this mid-way solution is a franchise business.

As its corporate social responsibility Franchise India seeks to empower mothers who want to do more with the Franchise opportunity of their choice.